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每日英語乾貨之丨Email 電子郵件

由 RayChen1902 發表于 舞蹈2022-12-17
簡介There are not (aren’t) four fans in our classroomPractice:Make the sentences opposite2.3 Email 電子郵件Opening &Closing


Warm-up--- Days & Months & Seasons

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Key phrases 重要表達

Compliments & Criticism

每日英語乾貨之丨Email 電子郵件

Answer for compliment 讚揚的應答

Thank you。 I’m


謝謝, 過獎了。

Thank you。 I appreciate the compliment。

Thank you for your kind words。

Thank you for your praising。 I will do better。

I’m glad to help。 / I’m glad you like it。

Compliment 讚揚

You look great。 / You look smart。

You are excellent!

You did a good job! / You did a great work!

Well done!/ Nice work!/ Good job!/ Good stuff!

Your work is impressive(印象深刻的) !

The boss is satisfied with your work!

Answer for Criticism 批評的應答

I’m sorry, next time I will correct。

I am sorry for my careless。

I am sorry I jumped the gun。

I am sorry I overlooked some facts,

next I will be more thorough認真。

Criticism 批評

Your work is not qualified。 工作不合格

You shouldn’t do this! 你不應該這麼做!

The boss is not satisfied with your job!

The boss criticizes you!

Not bad, but there’s room for improvement。

Unfortunately, this is not up to standard。

2.2 Grammar 語法—肯定與否定


This is my pen。

He works in a hospital。

There are four fans in our classroom


This is not my pen。

He does not (doesn’t) work in a hospital。

There are not (aren’t) four fans in our classroom


:Make the sentences opposite

2.3 Email 電子郵件

每日英語乾貨之丨Email 電子郵件

Opening &Closing (Formal to Informal)

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Smith, ———— Yous sincerely,

Dear Patricia, ———— Best wishes,/ Regards,

Hi/Hello John, ———— All the best,/ Love,

Abbreviations 縮寫

Subject 主題; Sent/ From/ To

CC: Carbon Copy 抄送

BCC: Blind Carbon Copy 暗送

FW: Forward 轉發

Re: Reply

FYI: For Your Information

PS: Post Script 附註

ASAP: As Soon As Possible

Structure 郵件結構

Salutation 稱呼

:Dear Mr。/ Ms。 ; Dear Sir/ Madam; Hello/ Hey/ Hi, Sue!

Content 郵件內容

: Announcing 通知;Seeking for reply尋求回覆; Initiate a meeting 建立會議; Give feedback給予回覆; Attachment 附件; Point listing 列點; Raise questions 提出問題; Proposal 建議; Thanks note感謝信; Apology道歉信

Complimentary Close 客套話收尾

:E。g。 We look forward to meeting you。/ We hope to hear from you。

Signature 簽名

: Yours sincerely,/ Truly,/ Best wishes,

Six Principles 寫郵件六大原則

1。 Start with an appropriate salutation。

2。 Get straight to the point。

3。 Keep it short。

4。 Use Numbered points。

5。 Re-read and Spell check。

6。 Make your signature useful。

Beginning & Ending

Thank you for contacting us。

Thank you for your prompt (及時的) reply。

Thank you for providing the requested information。

Thank you for all your assistance。 I truly appreciate your help。

Thank you for raising your concerns。

Thank you for your kind cooperation。

Thank you for your attention to this matter。

Thank you for your understanding。

Thank you again for everything you have done。

正文—An Enquiry by Email 電子郵件諮詢

Practice 閱讀下面Jasmine寫給一家會展服務公司的郵件,找出錯誤

Dear Sir or Madam,

[1] I writing to ask if you can organize an event for us in London。

[2]On May 3, Lowis Engineering is organize an event for approximately 500 major customers and business partners。

[3]We will like to demonstrate some of our equipment and present information about our products to our guests。

[4]Please lets know if this date is possible。

[5]I could be grateful if you could send me information about your services and prices。

[6]Please includes a telephone number and a contact person I can call。

[7]I look forward to hear from you。

Yours faithfully,

Jasmine Goodman


每日英語乾貨之丨Email 電子郵件


Write to the prospective distributor:

1)Introduce your company。

2)Briefly introduce products and strength。

3)Ask for their scope of business and future plan

4)Seek for opportunity of cooperation

Now you can:

Write a formal email——- explain what you want——- Ask for a contact person and a reply

每日英語乾貨之丨Email 電子郵件