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由 梅初情感來 發表于 影視2023-01-21
簡介In this world, nothing comes out of thin air, not even luck Everything has a cause and a result If you plant the “cause”





So many people in this world have seen through the red world Those who know the taste of love, those who want good people to return, those who complain about love in singing, those who want to add fragrance to tea, and those who pay for wrong love are heartbroken

在這個世界上,沒有什麼東西是憑空而來的,甚至連運氣也沒有。任何事物都有一個原因和一個結果。如果你種下輕鬆態度的 “因”,你自然會收穫好運的 “果”。

In this world, nothing comes out of thin air, not even luck Everything has a cause and a result If you plant the “cause” of relaxed attitude, you will naturally reap the “fruit” of good luck



He will say all kinds of fancy things to make you happy and find a lot of topics you like, but you can‘t even see him when you really need him


Once you break up with them, you can’t understand them, and then tell them that you can‘t understand them



At this time, you not only need to keep your beauty, but also need to keep it updated You need to constantly change your style, such as your makeup style and your dressing style

你不需要太 “好”,就能成為一個人。

You don’t need to be too “good” to be a person