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get away with 可不是拿走的意思哦

由 英文名著閱讀 發表于 音樂2022-12-16

get away with it 什麼意思

get away with 可不是拿走的意思哦

A part of me was hoping someone would wake up and hear, so I wouldn‘t have to live with this lie anymore。 But no one woke up and in the silence that followed, I understood the nature of my new curse: I was going to

get away with


I thought about Hassan’s dream, the one about us swimming in the lake。 There is no monster, he‘d said, just water。 Except he’d been wrong about that。 There was a monster in the lake。 It had grabbed Hassan by the ankles, dragged him to the murky bottom。 I was that monster。

That was the night I became an insomniac。




I was going to

get away with


get away with

意思是(做壞事而) 未受懲罰; (做冒險之事而) 未遭遇不測。

例如:The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it



get away from

,意思是擺脫; 離開; 從…逃掉。from後接表示地點的名詞,或者表示擺脫物件的名詞。

例如:His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time。

