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由 五拾四 發表于 音樂2023-01-10




Don‘t aim for success if you really want it。 Just stick to what you love and believe in , and it will come naturally。(意譯:多一些不為什麼的堅持,少一些功利主義的追求)

You don’t think other people‘s understandings as the nuts and bolts in that you are yourself of great account and proud as a king inside。(真正不羈的靈魂不會真的去計較什麼。因為他們的內心深處裡有國王般的驕傲)

Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn’t make who you are。 It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be。(也許你人生的開始並不理想,但那不會影響你在成為一個什麼樣的人。今後的努力才是決定你成為一個什麼樣的人。)

Why does being your best friend entail me doing everything I don‘t want to do?(為什麼成為你最好的朋友會使我做任何我不想做的事?)

I still have a lot of ace in my pocket, dare you?(我口袋裡仍然有很多王牌,你敢嗎?)

We can not connect the dots looking forward, but we can only connect them looking backwards。(我們不能把現在的每個點連線起來去看到未來,但是我們卻能把它們連線起來看到對於過去的意義。)

The best way to learn how to 。。。 is a process known as deliberate practice。(學習。。。的最好方法是刻意練習)

Sometimes years are required for your kindness to be accepted and appreciated。(有時候,你的好意需要多年才能被接受和感激)

We should owe success to 99% perspiration and only 1% inspriation。(成功來自於99%的汗水和1%的靈感)

Inspire the next!!!(創新無極限)

最後,這句 Man proposes, God disposes。 (成事在人,謀事在天)送給大家。因為無論是考研,還是學習英語都是一件值得堅持的事情,我們只要需要堅持下去,and it will come naturally。
