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Have a green thumb某人把花草照料得很好

由 英語臺詞分享 發表于 音樂2021-07-16
簡介他(她)們經常擺弄花花草草,手指難免染成了綠色,久而久之Have a green thumb就專指那些有園藝才能,擅長打理花花草草的人透過查字典我們知道:The idiom refers to the fact that good gard



Have a green thumb就專指那些有園藝才能,擅長打理花花草草的人

Have a green thumb某人把花草照料得很好

透過查字典我們知道:The idiom refers to the fact that good gardeners have spend a lot of time on their gardens and get their hand stained green become of touching plants and finally, their gardens look really beautiful。(譯文:這個習語專指那些優秀的園丁花費大量的時間在花園內,使他們的花園非常的漂亮,同時手指由於經常觸碰植物被染成綠色的情況)。好現在我們看一個例句:

Tom has a green thumb。 He is very proud of his beautiful garden, and he always tells everyone that it’s worth spending lots of time on it。



I sure wish I had a green thumb like Mister Jones next door。 Every year he grows the best tomatos and sweet corn in our whole neighborhood。 And his roses are absolutely beautiful!“


Have a green thumb某人把花草照料得很好

Have a green thumb某人把花草照料得很好
