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英語小短文練聽力 做意麵

由 吃貨帶你嚐盡食 發表于 攝影2021-10-14
簡介Um, let‘s see, and then basically it depends on the time of the year, so if it’s summer I‘ll just put in likesquash(南瓜小果


英語小短文練聽力 做意麵

Hi! This is Jessica and today I‘m going to talk about


義大利細麵條)。 Now a lot of people think that is might just be really easy to make, but let me tell you, mine is the top of the top。 It’s, I can make a mean spaghetti。 So first, I take and I cut up


(蒜)。 Garlic is essential。 As much garlic as you can possibly stand to cut, and then I cut some onion and put that all together, and fry it with olive oil。 Then basically after that point, it kind of varies。 It just depends on whatever vegetables I have around。 Usually I put in like green peppers, definitely


(蘑菇)。 Mushrooms are a must。 Um, let‘s see, and then basically it depends on the time of the year, so if it’s summer I‘ll just put in like


(南瓜小果) and, so I


(炒) all the vegetables up, and get them to the point where they are just right and then I put


(牛至葉) in hopefully, hopefully, the best is if it’s fresh but, you know, you can‘t have it all so, you put in oregano, and then from there, I put in, and I hope my dad’s not listening because he‘ll never eat it after this point, but I put in tofu ground beef, so you can’t really taste it, um, I mean you can taste it。 It tastes like beef, but nobody knows that it‘s tofu, just because I don’t particularly like raw meat, so Tofu I think is the way to go, so then, um, so I put that in there, and you don‘t really have to cook it, you just warm it up, so I just cook it all together, warm it all together。 And then I put in some fresh tomatoes, and then I usually use like a half a can of whatever tomato sauce is on sale, whatever pasta sauce, and then again a little more oregano, and just let it simmer to absorb all the flavor。 That’s it。
