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讓英國人懵圈的十個美式短語 10 Ameican phrases

由 英語東 發表于 音樂2023-01-17
簡介Have you got ten quid


讓英國人懵圈的十個美式短語 10 Ameican phrases


British English and American English。


It‘s all English, but sometimes, the Americans use words and phrases that we Brits simply don’t understand。


Very quickly, FYI, which means for your information, at the end of this lesson there will be a quiz, so make sure you are paying attention。


Now, American English is English but sometimes, there are words and phrases that we are completely confused by。


And we‘re gonna look at ten of those right now。


Number one, “talk/tk/turkey” or as the Americans who say “talk/tak/turkey”。

第一個,talk/tk/ turkey,或者像美國人說的 talk/tak/ turkey。

I do not know what it means to “talk Turkey”。

我不知道 talk Turkey 是什麼意思。

I would have assumed it meant to gossip because turkeys kind of sound like they’re gossiping, oh, oh, oh。


That was my best turkey impression。


But it actually means to talk business。


So, if two businessmen get together。。。


“It‘s great to see you again, but no small talk, let’s talk turkey。”

Us Brits, on the other hand, would simply say “let‘s talk business” or “let’s get down to business”。

Phrase number two is “up the wazoo”。


我們英國人則會說 let‘s talk business 或 let’s get down to business。

第二個短語是 up the wazoo。

“Up” the what?

Up 什麼?

I don‘t even know if I’m pronouncing that correctly。


“Up the wazoo”, it means something in a large amount or a great quantity。

Up the wazoo,意思是某物數量很大。

So, for example, I might say:

“I was charged up the wazoo for my train ticket。”

Yeah, that‘s a strange one。




I can’t think of a British equivalent and I‘ve never heard this phrase ever。


So, if you’ve heard it, then please do let me know in the comment section below。


Word number three is “jonesing”, “jonesing”。


We Brits have never heard this word, at least I haven‘t。


It means to be craving or desiring some thing。


So for example, I might say, “Oh, it’s so hot I am jonesing for an ice-cold drink。”

I guess the British English equivalent might be the slang word “gagging”。


我想英式英語中的對應詞可能是俚語 gagging。

I‘m gagging for a cold drink。


What are you jonesing for?


Number four is quite controversial and to be honest it shocked me to find this word and to find that it’s still being used even by businesses today。


And it is the phrase: “wife beater”。

那就是 wife beater。

Now, “wife beater” refers to a white tank top or vest。

Wife beater 指的是白背心。

So, we would simply say “a white sleeveless vest” or “a vest”。

And in some places in America, they refer to it as “a wife beater”。

我們就說 white sleeveless vest 或者 vest。

在美國的一些地方,人們稱之為 wife beater。

So, a young man might be wearing a wife beater and chinos, for example。


But I wouldn‘t encourage using this word。


I think it’s probably going to be on its way out due to its controversial nature。


But if you do see this written anywhere, now you know what it means, it‘s not referring to domestic violence, it’s referring to an item of clothing。


Number five and we‘re heading into the kitchen to get ourselves some “jelly”。

第五個,我們要去廚房拿些 jelly(果凍)。

But in America, you interchange “jelly” and what we call “jam”, I believe。

但在美國,jelly 和我們稱之為 jam(果醬)的東西的意思是換過來的。

So, you might have a “jelly sandwich” which for us is really odd because jelly is a wibbly-wobbly dessert and the idea of having that on a sandwich is just bizarre。


So in America, you say “jelly” and in British English, we say “jam” when referring to the fruity preserve that you might spread on bread。

所以在美國,人們說 jelly,而在英式英語中,我們說 jam,指的是塗在麵包上的水果果醬。

Number six is probably not that much of a mystery to you, as you may have heard this in American films and it’s the term “buck”, “buck”。

第六個對你來說可能不是那麼神秘,你可能在美國電影中聽到過這個詞,就是單詞 buck,buck。

This is a slang term for a dollar。


So, if you are asking for a buck, you‘re asking for a dollar。

如果你要 a buck,你就是要一美元。

If you want ten bucks, then you want ten dollars。

如果你想要 ten bucks,那你就想要十美元。

I guess the equivalent for British money would be “a quid”, “a quid”。

我猜英國貨幣的類似稱呼是 quid,a quid。

Have you got ten quid? This is slang for pound。

你有十 quid 嗎?這是英鎊的俚語。

Do you have a quid? Do you have a pound?

你有一 quid 嗎?你有一英鎊嗎?

Next, we have “carpetbagger”, “carpetbagger”。

下一個是 carpetbagger,carpetbagger。

Now, when I hear this, I think of a man putting a carpet into a bag, a very big bag。


But when I looked into this, it actually refers to politicians from the north of America who came to the south to exploit the situation after the Civil War。


This now has become generally used, I believe, to refer to politicians who try to become elected or try to do stuff in areas that they don’t belong to and take advantage。


A politician taking advantage, that‘s novel, isn’t it?


Okay, moving swiftly on。 The next phrase is “to shoot the breeze”, “to shoot the breeze”。

好的,我們繼續,下一個短語是 shoot the breeze。

I didn‘t know what this meant。


I had ideas of people maybe going out and walking, “blowing away the cobwebs”, which is a phrase we use when we talk about freshening up in the wind。


Ah, to blow away those cobwebs, but no, “to shoot the breeze” means to have a casual conversation。

啊,吹走煩惱,但不是,shoot the breeze 的意思是閒聊。

So, “If two friends meet up, they may spend the afternoon shooting the breeze。”

I guess the British equivalent for this phrase would be “to have a chinwag”。


我覺得類似的英式短語是 have a chinwag。

“They were having a chinwag” or “they were chewing the cud”。

“They were chewing the cud”, which is what cows do。

They were having a chinwag 或 they were chewing the cud。

They were chewing the cud(反芻),這是奶牛會做的。

And their chins go up and down, it looks like they’re talking, it‘s a silly phrase。


The next word on the list really makes me cringe, it just feels so wrong, it feels like it breaks all grammar rules and it’s the word “winningest”, “winningest”。

下一個單詞真的讓我驚呆了,它太奇怪了,感覺它打破了所有的語法規則,它就是單詞 winningest。

And it means to have the greatest number of wins。


So, I might say, and I hope I‘m using it correctly, “he is the winningest athlete in the entire competition”, meaning he’s won the most within the competition。

我可以說(我希望我用對了)“he is the winningest athlete in the entire competition”,意思是他在比賽中獲勝最多。

It just feels so wrong。


The next word is dedicated to my beautiful unborn baby, who is kicking me right now。


And it is the word “pacifier”, “pacifier”。

這個詞就是 pacifier(安撫奶嘴),pacifier。

In British English, we would refer to this as a “dummy”, we don‘t use “pacifier” at all。

在英式英語中,我們把這個叫做 dummy 我們不說 pacifier。

So, if you go into a mother and baby shop and ask for a pacifier, they may not have a clue what you’re talking about。

所以,如果你走進一家母嬰商店,想買一個 pacifier,他們可能不知道你在說什麼。

So there you go, ten American phrases that completely confuse us Brits。


Now, out of that list, three of them I‘d already heard of, but I would love to know which ones were completely new to you。


So, please do let me know in the comment section below。


Okay, guys, please do give this video a thumb up, don’t forget to subscribe and remember there are hundreds of videos here to help you with your English, so just click on that video tab and have a little nosy。


Until next time guys, take care and goodbye。
