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由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 攝影2021-08-26
簡介然而,在“網際網路+”時代如此便利的今天,我們始終“還是不懂”英語in care of someone“究竟是什麼意思




1。 I sent the present to him care of his mother。

2。 You can write to me care of Tony。

3。 You can write to him in care of his fan club。

4。You can write me in care of my grandmother。

“讀到”(in) care of someone這樣的英文,我們很容易“第一個反應”就是“它的漢語”:由某某人轉交。




然而,在“網際網路+”時代如此便利的今天,我們始終“還是不懂”英語in care of someone“究竟是什麼意思?”



Yahoo in care of define


1。 at the mailing address of

2。Through someone, by way of someone。 This phrase indicates that something is to be delivered to someone at someone else‘s address

3。At someone else’s mailing address。

4。[to be delivered to someone] through someone or by way of someone。 (Indicates that mail is to be delivered to a person at some other person‘s address。


我們我們原本不會用英語表達的in care of的英語意思,現在“全部可以說成我們知道的英語了”:

1。Okay。I got you。If you say you write a letter to me in crae of my friend,you mean you send it to me at my friend’s mailing address。

2。Okay。I got you。In care of(written on an envelope) means at the address of someone。

3。Okay。I got you。I can say I‘ll deliver your package to you care of your mom。