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英語單詞afraid frightened scared辨析

由 聚力行遠 發表于 寵物2021-07-24
簡介be afraidfrightenedscared均表示害怕


英語單詞afraid/ frightened/ scared辨析

Be afraid/frightened/scared all mean that you feel fear。

be afraid/frightened/scared均表示害怕。I have never been so frightened in my life。我一生中從未如此害怕過!

Scared is very common in informal speech and is often used To describe small fears。 scared常見於日常談話中,表示有些害怕: Dad was driving very fast and we were a bit scared。爸爸開車很快,我們有點害怕。Afraid is more formal and less common。 afraid較為正式,且較少用。

of afraid/frightened/ scared of sb/sth means that you feel fear when you see or experience something。與of連用: afraid/ frightened/scared of sb/sth意為對所見或所經歷的事感到害怕: I‘m afraid of snakes。我怕蛇。

for afraid /frightened/ scared for sb/ sth means that you are worried that something unpleasant may happen to somebody。與for 連用: afraid/frightened/ scared for sb/ sth意為擔心某人一:1 was frightened for his safety。我為他的安全擔驚受怕。

Sometimes about is used with frightened and scared, but not with afraid。有時frightened 和scared可與about連用,但afraid不能與其連用: I’m scared about going to the city again。我害怕再去那座城市。

You can use very, a bit。 too etc。 With frightened and scared, But not with afraid/frightened 和scared可與very,a bit,too等詞連用,但afraid不能與它們連用

+ noun後接名詞: a frightened/scared child 受驚的孩子You cannot use afraid in front of a none。afraid不用於名詞前。