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  • Patriotic movies dominate China's National Day holiday box office

    Patriotic blockbusters once again dominated China‘s box office during the National Day holiday, with the highly praised ...

  • before是在之前,after是在之後,是加名詞還是加動詞?


    再拿工作舉例子,在工作的時候軸上有三個詞彙:Don‘t forget to eat your breakfastbfore working.上班前別忘了吃早餐...

  • 暑假的英語單詞怎麼讀


    暑假的英語單詞怎麼寫:summer vacation/summer holidays...

  • 核心詞彙Process和Procedure辨析記憶


    在此過程中”,英語是“during the process”,Procedure 注重的是過程本身,‘步驟為執行或完成某事採取的一系列步驟 / 途徑’...

  • Reading poem learning English 讀詩詞學英語

    During the Qingming Festival, there is drizzling rain, There are few foot passengers on the road, And asked where the wi...

  • “低頭族”一詞在英語中怎麼表達?

    她也許就會抱怨"Please don't phub me."——“請你別隻顧玩手機,不理我”例2:“Phubbing during a conversation is a lack of respect.&qu...