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「日常英語口語8000句」12-1 商談:贊成別人常用口語句子

由 小初高學習幫 發表于 綜藝2021-07-24


贊成。 I agree.


I think it‘s very important。 (我認為這個問題很重要。)

I agree。 (我同意。)

= I agree with that。

= I’m with you。


= I‘m for it。

I don’t agree。 (我反對。)

我也這樣認為。 I think so, too.


Tokyo is too expensive。 (東京的物價太貴。)

I think so, too。 (我也這樣認為。)

好哇! Anything you say!

Let‘s see a movie。 (我們去看電影吧。)

Anything you say! (好哇!)

= I’m with you。

= Okay, let‘s。

= You’re in charge。

= You‘re the boss。

= I agree with you。

沒有異議。 No objection!

我不反對。 I don't have any objection to it.

*objection “異議”、“反對”、“不服從”、“反對理由”。

What do you think of my proposal? (你覺得我的建議怎麼樣?)

I don’t have any objection to it。 (我不反對。)

= I have no objection to it。

= I don‘t object to it。

= No problem here。

= Sounds alright to me。

我覺得那樣很好。 That's fine with me.

How’s tomorrow? (明天怎麼樣?)

That‘s fine with me。 (我沒問題。)

= That sounds good。

= Sounds like a good idea to me。

很好! Fine.


How was the proposal? (這個建議怎麼樣?)

Fine。 (很好!)

How’s everything? (一切都好嗎?)

Fine。 (很好呀!)

= Good。

= It‘s acceptable。

= Okay。

那就行了。 That's fair.


How does that sound? (那樣行嗎?)

That’s fair。 (那就行了。)

= Fair enough。

我也有同樣感覺。 You can say that again.


That meeting was awful。 (那個會開得真糟糕。)

You can say that again。 (我也有同樣感覺。)

= I‘ll say。

= Definitely。

好像挺有意思。 Sounds like fun.


Let’s go out! (我們出去玩吧。)

Sounds like fun。 (那一定很有意思。)

當然!/一定! You bet! *完全贊成對方所說的事的語氣。

Did you study for the test? (快考試了,你準備了嗎?)

You bet。 (當然!/一定!)

= That is for sure。

= You know it。

= I‘d bet on it。

= You can bet on it。

= Bet on it。

= Of course。

= It goes without saying。

= That goes without saying。

= You betcha。 *俚語。

你是反對還是贊成他的主意? Are you for or against his idea?

好! Good. *用來向對方表達愉快、批准、同意、滿意等心情。

How is it? (這個怎麼樣?)

Good。 (好!)

= It’s good。

太棒了! Great!


The boss approved my proposal。 (老闆同意了我的建議。)

Great! (太棒了!)

= That‘s great!

好主意。 Good idea.

Let’s do this part first。 (我們先做這部分吧!)

Good idea。 (好主意。)

= Good thinking。

Bad idea。 (餿主意。)

你說的有一部分是對的。 What you say is partly right.

*partly “部分的”。

Don‘t you agree? (你同意嗎?)

What you say is partly right。 (你說的有一部分是對的。)

= You are partially correct。

= I agree with you partially。 (我部分同意。)