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  • 兒童 諾亞方舟的故事(上)

    ”1BUILDING THE ARK / 建造方舟Then Noah went his way, and set to work to build him a great ship, to be ready for the day ofde...

  • 阿拉丁:屬於二十一世紀的童話故事

    茉莉:新女性形象“Here comes a wave海浪肆意襲來Meant to wash me away試圖將我沖垮A tide that is taking me under潮水勢要壓頂Broken again再次粉身碎骨Left wi...

  • 英文歌詞整理:《Yesterday once more昨日重現》的中英文對照

    海濤英語 歌曲教學 2022.11.18日 November the eighteenth Yesterday once more 昨日重現When I was young,當我年輕時,I’d listen to the radio, 常...

  • Robert Adams:藝術家解釋自己的作品,等於承認失敗


  • 美女會喜歡的沙雕句子,幽默有才,趣味多多!

    When a girl sobs in front of you, you pat her on the back, hand her a tissue gently, and say, “didn’t you eat...

  • be動詞的變化

    I ——-am We/They/You ——-are He/She/It ——-isam————II am tall...

  • they形容詞性物主代詞怎麼寫

    they的使用例句:If anyone arrives late they‘ll have to wait outside...

  • 寫進你心坎裡的句子,精闢大方,適合發朋友圈

    當你在一個女人身上聞到這些 “氣味 ”時,請遠離她,你不能和她玩...

  • 英文小寓言《The Fox and the Grapes》

    The grapes were heavy and ripe, hanging in beautiful purple clusters on the vines, but they had been trained high on a t...

  • 委婉表達情緒發的句子,句句精闢,說到你心坎上

    Facts have proved that the “bad women” who can‘t give up are often the “bad women” who spend money to dress up As long a...

  • 把握其中需要的抑揚頓挫,會讓你的口語更加流暢


    The expression that Neil and I will talk about today is “out for the count”...

  • 海底兩萬裡 #第4章Ned Land(1)

    海底兩萬裡 #第4章Ned Land(1)


  • 英讀廊——異想天開的水球之戰


    標誌Christopher knew where three of the boys were hiding, so he went running and attacked them with five water balloons.【譯...

  • 天天新概念 ▏新概念英語第一冊Lesson18 What are their jobs?

    天天新概念 ▏新概念英語第一冊Lesson18 What are their jobs?

    本課名詞及單複數對照:sales rep→sales reps推銷員keyboard operator→keyboard operators電腦錄入員mechanic→mechanics機械師engineer→engineers工程師hai...

  • 想成為一名傲羅嗎?這並不簡單!



  • PEP四年級下冊Unit4PartA


    They are tomatoes. 它們是西紅柿...

  • 英語幽默小故事:碰到有人搶你武器你會怎麼做?


  • 英語單詞:Flotsam是什麼意思?Flotsam怎麼翻譯?

    Flotsam 英語解析Flotsam 英語解析01:41來自渡客一九八七總結:本文主要介紹了Flotsam作為不可數名詞時的基本意思,它可以表示被海水被衝到岸邊或漂浮在水面的船隻殘骸、碎木、零碎雜物或廢料,也可以指無家可歸、流離失所的人,...