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  • 告白文案|你是微風是晚霞是心跳不止是無可替代

    滿樹繁花,你是心之所向,山海錯落,你是人間星光full of trees and flowers, you are what you want scattered mountains and seas, you are the stars ...

  • 適合早上發朋友圈的句子,早上發的說說,勵志的早安心語!


  • 唯美英文短句:我目光短淺,只看得見你

    你是我眼都不眨就可以說喜歡的人,You are the person I can say I like without blinking,我卻是你頭都不抬就可以放手的人...

  • 夜晚優美的句子,仰望天空,心情豁然開朗!


  • 深刻入心的情感語錄,睿智通透,迷茫時多看看!

    In this life, with whom, how, how long, some because of love, some because of material, some because of appearance, some...

  • 暖心文案|月色尤其溫柔,人間皆是浪漫

    8、不要問女孩兒怎麼追,只要你用心,沒有難得到你的女生Don’t ask the girl how to chase, as long as you put your heart, no difficult to your girl9、解釋...

  • 暖心文案|願所有人都各自精彩,一直有夢,初心永懷

    小安情話館,始終與你相擁Little Ann's Love Hall, always hugging you告白文案|沒有什麼一視同仁,我必須愛我自己喜歡的人告白文案|我雖然不是一個溫柔的人,但是我願意為你做盡溫柔的事告白文案|我...

  • 英語原版閱讀:The Penguin

    英語原版閱讀:The Penguin

    這篇閱讀理解的文章是:The Penguin圖片來源於網路先來讀文章:圖片來源於網路1.The penguin is black and white. 企鵝是黑白相間的...

  • 人生感悟英文短句子,句句入骨,看完你會明白很多!

    People are not afraid of vicissitudes of life, they are afraid of the old heart...

  • “扎心了!”這話用英語怎麼說?

    顧名思義,搭配“a dagger in the heart”或“a dagger through the heart”(刺在心上的匕首)用來形容“聽到一句話,就像刀刺入了你的心臟一樣,讓人痛心”...

  • 分手後的文案,簡約委婉,帶著淡淡的憂傷

    You can’t play with him in his heart, but you can stay away from him, and you will not be able to communicate with him i...

  • 形容天氣變冷的句子,照顧好自己,因為沒有人會心疼!

    Don‘t forget to add clothes when it’s cold...

  • 優質暖心金句,這份愛不期望你一直盛開,但卻明白你每一個季節!


  • 美劇裡那些讓你動容的女神(二)——瑪麗(風中的女王)


    再說Francis和Mary歷史上Mary寫給Francis的詩In my sad, quiet song,以我悲傷詠唱安靜之歌A melancholy air,空氣憂傷I shall look deep and long我惆悵遠眺At l...

  • 馬愛群教授談DHF診療進展(上篇)丨ESC2020


    ”選單,選擇“”西安交通大學第一醫院心內科 馮雲飛 馬愛群編者按:在ESC2020大會上,舒張性心力衰竭(diastolic heart failure,DHF)的診治作為臨床熱點,被列入Late-Breaking Science環節討論,...

  • 心臟放置支架後的注意事項


    By implanting the stent into the narrow blood vessel,cardiac stent implantation can improve the heart blood supply of pa...

  • 訓詁學專論 漢字訓詁“心”類字的探究


  • 20句經典英文唯美愛情句子,深度好文!

    4、Love a person too much, the heart will be drunk...

  • 歲月生香,默然安好(中英文版)


    A section of the heart, stay in the time of the lane, waiting for the wind, waiting in the rain, waiting for that smilin...

  • 突然一陣“心悸”是心臟病嗎?


    Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Yuan Qiuping, a nurse in Anyang Daojian hospital...